Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why Vehicle Wraps?

Vehicle Wraps are considerably new advertisement technique that just reached the market. The two qualities that make car wraps so great are the affordability and effectiveness. These two are the major considerations for a well expanding business.

truck decals

Vehicle wraps are not as expensive as billboards and are even more effective than billboards. An auto wrap is essentially a moving advertisement that puts the message in front of potential customers. People coming in and out of work, stuck in traffic really don’t mind seeing a nice colorful, interesting advertisement. In fact it is very pleasing to see images other than road full of non-moving cars.

It is a genius idea to put an vinyl graphics. It spreads the word instantly in different locations. One can drive a vehicle wrap for work purposes, when transporting the company’s product and spreading the ad around. It is a magnificent way of introducing the public to a new aspiring business. Vehicle wraps are like two in one. Simply by parking a vehicle in one spot works like a billboard, when vehicle moves it is like a moving advertisement.

For already existing businesses, wraps are another way of showing the public that the company is getting more visible, more popular and more fruitful. It is very important for a business to get noticeable in many locations, not just one. Auto wrap is a perfect way of getting more noticed. It satisfies all the categories of advertisement. There is no better way to advertise than auto wraps. Now day’s people are in a constant move. Nobody buys newspaper since news can be read free on a blackberry. Car wraps reach potential customers that may not be able to see ads through internet, TV or newspapers. According to the Traffic Audit Bureau, 96 % of people in U.S. travel in some sort of vehicle every day. That means it is more likely that more people will see the advertisement in a single auto wrap.

Billboard advertisement is too expensive for businesses with a tight budget. They range from $100 to $3000.00 depending on a location and how big the billboard is. High traffic locations and jumbo billboards of course get people’s attention but they are one of the most expensive type of billboard advertisement out there. For wrap advertisement o truck decals one pays only one flat fee. No need to worry about monthly payments or signing contracts. The cost of vehicle wrapping ranges from $2,000 to $5,000. It greatly depends on the size of the vehicle and the complexity of the wrap. SUVs and mini-vans are the most expensive ones vs. smaller vehicles are cheaper. Half wraps and partial wraps such as the ones for windows only can run from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. Wrap advertisement can also be used on small commercial planes as well as any marine transportation.

vehicle wraps

The way of manufacturing wraps has become much cheaper and easier for the past few years. The technology has greatly improved as well as vinyl. Wrapping companies can offer variety of distinctive designs that catch an eye within a long distance. Wrap auto ads is a smart way to advertise.